A few small online security tips 
So recently I noticed a website I frequent was not connecting using HTTPS (secured HTTP protocol) even though I changed my bookmark to directly use HTTPS. Why is this even something I think about you may ask? Read More...

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May 21st Harold Camping Doomsday Foolishness 
So here we are May 21st 2011 on Saturday morning in Australia. Since we are pretty close to the date line, we should be the first to experience the "rapture" (the rapture is not a teaching based on Bible writings) here (why God would follow human's established dating and timing method I don't know) but I guess I could speculate this means the rapture could occur at any instant in the next... 17 hours?

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Upcoming Movies (Mid 2010 onwards) 
There seems to be some good movies coming out now or soon (mid 2010 onwards).

Iron Man 2 seems to be getting good reviews and a lot of people that see it say its worth the money. I just found out about a third Riddick movie being made called Riddick 3 (strangely enough). Here's the plot. I am also kind of wanting to see the Thor movie when it arrives but not really because I like or care about Thor stories or characters at all, but want to see the acting efforts of young female actress Jaimie Alxeander who played Jessi XX in Kyle XY.

Now I just have to save up my silvers so I can go see some of these movies.

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"New" Vegemite?! 
Over the last month there's been a lot of talk about a new product in stores that was loosely coined "new vegemite". A competition was ran to choose a name for the new spread/condiment and eventually iSnack 2.0 was chosen. When this was broadcast in the media in Australia, everyone started kicking up about it. Read More...

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