One for the concreters out there that might need to fix up the kill switch wiring on their trowel machine.
So I think how this works is that we introduce a ground connection to the wire line that goes to the coil pack.
The red kill switch connects the ground mounted wire (above the red switch) to the wiring that is connected to the wire that goes to the coil pack, indicated with green arrows.
The centrifugal kill switch works exactly the same. The wire from it, indicated with black arrows, needs to connect into the wiring that goes to the coil pack.
I just unplugged the oil sensor’s bullet head and fed the centrifugal kill switch wire into the bullet head then plugged the bullet back in. You could solder it or replace the connectors if you want.
Provided that the centrifugal kill switch’s wire is connected correctly up at the switch end, you should be able to kill the engine using the centrifugal switch.
Amazing info thanks mate